Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Just Another Update!

Be excited. No...not really...but hey. you can if you want.
So...the Coons Family has been taking life as it comes, day by day. Nothing extreme has happened in our family...yet. My Dad wrote out the last check for Dallin's mission on Sunday, which was exactly 2 months until he is home. What is he going to do when he's home? That is a good question! I'm not sure he even knows what that answer is! Whatever he does, I'm sure he'll do it because he really wants to!
On the 20th we watched the inauguration for President Barack Obama...and to not offend anyone, i'm just going to say, We're praying for America. and Not for the yellow to stay mellow, the brown to stick around, the white to embrace what's right, and the redman to stay ahead man. (if you watched the whole inauguration you'll know what i'm talking about.) But my real question is, Who made the red man red? (a little inside joke for all you wagon wheel girls campers of 2007!!!!)
Once again, not a lot has been going on! I've been going to school everyday...and just chillin! I'm learning how to Graph Quadratics, and for the first time EVER, I actually enjoyed doing my math homework tonight! crazy, i know! On saturday I'm going to Flagstaff with Marissa, Maddie, and Katelynn to celebrate Maddie's birthday! I'll be sure to post some pics!
Hope all is well with you! Love, Janae

1 comment:

Corri said...

Hey come no one ever told me you started a blog? What the heck?